About us

Hello from the heart of Kenya! We’re not just part of the Kespi family; we’re a dream come true—a blend of caring for nature and striving for excellence. At Asali Africa, we don’t just make honey; we craft a taste of Africa. Each drop is like a journey through beautiful landscapes, nurtured by the hands that cultivate them.

We’re not just beekeepers; we’re like artists who support local farmers and safeguard Kenya’s nature. Our honey is not just something you buy; it’s an adventure—a fusion of nature, community, and dedication. Join us on this journey, where each jar promises top-notch quality, environmental stewardship, and shared prosperity.

Our story doesn’t start with us but with a single, humble bee—the silent hero and protector of Earth’s floral treasures. As these small bees journey through landscapes painted by nature’s hand, they create a nectar infused with the very essence of Africa’s rich biodiversity.

This isn’t just nectar; it’s a liquid story, a quiet tribute to the intricate web of life. Our hardworking bees navigate meadows, flirt with blossoms, and dance in the sunlit havens of our floral sanctuaries. When they return, they bring not only nectar but also a diverse mix of flavors, scents, and nutrients—each telling a part of Africa’s abundant and harmonious ecosystems.

We celebrate this tale in every jar. With artisanal methods meeting scientific precision, this nectar undergoes a careful transformation into golden honey that capture the very heart, or perhaps the very essence, of Africa. Each jar isn’t just a product; it’s a novel penned by thousands of winged storytellers, a collection of tales from flower to bee, from hive to spoon, from the heart of Africa to you.
