As our story of golden nectars, empowered communities, and lush landscapes continues, it’s only the start of an ongoing story of beauty, quality, and positive impact. We deeply appreciate your presence on this journey, where each drop of Asali Africa honey signifies a ripple in a larger pool of positive change.

We invite you to keep this connection alive. Whether it’s to savour a new honey experience, collaborate, or simply share a story—reach out. For us, it’s more than honey; it’s about creating a community bonded by love for nature, respect for our shared values, and the promise of a sweeter future for all.

Thank you for exploring the world of Asali Africa. Your time, interest, and passion are the sweetest gifts. Stay connected, as the journey continues. Visit us online at or follow us on social media at Here’s to many more shared stories, flavours, and a future dipped in the golden hues of possibility and promise.

With heartfelt thanks and anticipation for what lies ahead,

The Asali Africa Family

Our office

Nairobi, Kenya

Our Contacts

+254 769 681 767
